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The COVID Tamasha

The health situation in the country has been reduced to a sad joke while the people and the government are busy shifting the blame...

How Incumbent Industries Are Being Affected By Tech Inventions

The tech market is a fast-growing sector that has changed how companies operate. Emerging technologies are helping organizations not only to increase their productivity...

India death rate soars after COVID-19

After the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus to India, it was always a matter of concern as to how exactly the Indian Government is...

10 Practical and Bitter Sayings by Joker

Movies are for fun, but at times we often learn from characters that do not exist; yet, gives us the real gist of life....

Sacred Games 2 – The wait is finally over

Earlier when everyone was busy with their speculation, Netflix India surprised everyone with a single tweet. On March 19, 2019, Netflix India tweeted something...

10-Years Jail for Buying or Selling Cryptocurrency in India

The future of cryptocurrency in India has been decided. Dealing in Cryptocurrency may lead to 10-Years of Jail says a proposed draft of Banning...

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